Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ah Portland

It's been said that the heat in Phoenix is a dry heat. Yeah, well, not in the Summer. It rains. So with a relative humidity at 60 percent and a temperature of 100 degrees, you end up feeling about 130 degrees warm. I suppose I shouldn't complain though about being in the desert. God ploppled His Chosen People in the middle of a desert climate. I should be grateful.  We're also not supposed to grumble here in Phoenix. The Israelites had to wander around for 40 years in the heat because of whining.
I took the photo at a fountain located at the Portland waterfront. I wish I was there. But I'm not complaining.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


This didn't copy well, it's better in the real. The hat was what attracted me to this pretty girl. I asked if she'd pose and this was the best.