There was a fellow named Blaise Pascal who lived in the 1600's; a french philosopher and mathematition. I've never read any of his writings. Perhaps I should. I only remember the name from algebra and because of a particular quote attributed to him. He is supposed to have said that all men are born with a God shaped hole in them. He didn't say it in those words. It was much more lengthy and verbose. Here is my parahprase: Man was once truly happy but all traces of that are gone. He tries to fill himself up with things, status and relationships but to no avail. We have an infinitely insatiable abyss within. Only the infinite one, God, can fill it.
It took me a long time to figure that out. I realized that going after things, status and relationship is not necessarily wrong but it doesn't ever satisfy. There is never enough and I've had pretty much everything I ever wanted. I even tried God as a filler but I was only pretending and really wasn't content. It's been only in the last few years that I've allowed Him full access. I finally let God into the endlessness of my soul with great difficulty. There were places within me I didn't want touched. It took time to trust and allow Him in but now I know what true Peace and Love are. I understand that my fulfillment in life is through intimicy with God and allowing Him to be my Lover. By that I mean Lover in every sense of the word. So, for you who have visited here, may you know Love. May Love know you. May you also find the Prince of Peace, Jesus
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